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  • Ira

There's only color and light

The holiday season in NYC offers so many special experiences. Through my first 2 score and 9 years on the planet, I have skated in Rockefeller Center, Wollman Rink, and Bryant Park. I have seen the windows at all of the department stores, and we have watched the Macy*s Thanksgiving Parade. But, there are so many things that I had yet to do. And, seeing Dyker Lights - the holiday light decorations on the houses in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn has always been on my list.

The kids and I took the C to the D (which included the excitement of being in the subway while crossing the Manhattan Bridge), grabbed some yummy and cheap treats at the Chinese bakery near the subway stop, and then began our 15-minute walk to see the major streets with the most decorations. Along the way, we saw the largest creche I have ever seen - in a huge glass display (and my son and I both noticed the guy - see close-up - who was rocking a pose).

Each block as we got closer, the kids noticed that the lights got more and more elaborate.

And, then we found the house that is one of the destination sights. There is "over the top", and then there is this house.

We had to wait almost 10 minutes to get this photo with no one else in it. And, what you see is only part of the full display.

I think we heard at least 5 languages in the hour we spent walking around.

Luckily it was a fairly mild evening - so while that meant larger crowds, it also meant we were all less cranky and more willing to stop and meander to see more of the houses.

Just like the Thanksgiving Parade, our walking tour ended with the sighting of Santa - a very big one!

Not sure how these people get in their house. And, you can't really see, but there are carousels on both sides of Santa with huge holiday-themed things going round and round.

It was impressive to see the variety and the creativity all around the neighborhood.

Growing up, even though we were Jewish, I always remember an annual car ride around town with my parents and brother to see all the houses decorated with lights for the holidays. It's been quite a while since I've done that, so it was pretty exciting to do something similar with my own kids. Perhaps the "holiday lights viewing" will be an annual tradition that continues with the next generation.

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