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  • Ira

Climbing the tiniest wall

So far, the first batch of 50x50 adventures didn't involve significant new physical challenges. But, that changed earlier this month.

As the spouse of a partner at Jeremy's law firm, I have been lucky to meet all of the other spouses and spend some quality time with them in DC, Nantucket, and Jamaica.

Two of my sister members of the Spousal Committee - Amy and Jen - wanted to celebrate my 50x50 with my first attempt at rock climbing.

Amy is a pro and rock climbs a few times every week. Jen had been a couple times but not recently and was up for being my newbie friend.

We started on the Intro level. I made it halfway up and then my arms just couldn't take it. When I got down, every part of my arm from my bicep to my fingertips felt strained. Jen, of course, made it the whole way. We took turns while Amy belayed each of us (yes, that is what it is called!), so that gave me time to recover. Also, Amy explained after our first course that the goal is to climb with your legs not your arms, like a monkey or orangutan - it totally worked!

Ultimately, we tried 5 different courses across 3 levels, and I actually made it to the top 3 times! It felt pretty amazing. I'm so glad I tried it. I'm so glad that I shared the experience with my sister Spousals. And, I'm so sure that I need to work out so I can do it again (perhaps working out will be another 50x50?!).

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